
Friday, October 29, 2004

Oh well

I don't know what else to try. I tried to put that picture of me and Robbie with the rest of the pictures from Saturday night. But, no matter what I did or tried, it changed into a box with a red X in it. I wanted to add a title, and it wouldn't let me. I wanted to change the color and font of the text so that it matched the rest of this blog, and it wouldn't let me. No matter what, it changed to that red X. So, I uploaded it with a caption, and that is how it will stay. I know I'm probably the only one that cares that it doesn't have a title and that the caption is a different color than the rest of the text on this site. What can I say...I guess I'm just weird. If anyone knows how to fix this so that the picture doesn't turn into an X, let me know.


Blogger EW said...

That's why you need to get a xanga blog - so much easier to use!

Saturday, October 30, 2004 10:37:00 PM  

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