
Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Elephants suck!

At least I'm not the only one who is completely disappointed by the election results. (Click here, and here, and here...) I was going to stay away from political discussion on this blog, but I feel compelled to say something. Someone please explain to me what Bush has done that has been so great in the past four years? Please? I'm listening. Because, I haven't seen it. Although I have been accused of it, I don't dislike Bush because he is a Republican. I dislike him because he hasn't done anything for this country. Let me rephrase...he hasn't done anything positive for this country. He has decreased funding for mental health. He has concocted some crazy Medicare plan that has no hopes of helping poor people. He has sent so many young men and women over to Iraq and then given them no chance of making any progress. It seems to be more of a death sentence than a peace-keeping mission. So, I ask again, what has Bush done? I know that some argue that the country would be in worse shape if someone else were in the White House when 9/11 happened. Fine, he handled 9/11 in some sort of okay manner. How about the other 45 months that he has been in office? All I have seen him do is alter the English language during his speeches and...well, that's about all I have seen him do. I'm not saying that Kerry would have changed the face of politics as we know it. But, I think we should have given someone else the chance to make a difference. Oh well. We still have 2008 to look forward to.


Blogger EW said...

He lets me have my guns ... yeeeeee hawwwww!

Seriously though, for me, it was a character issue. I disliked Kerry because he had a habit of pandering to whatever audience he was speaking to at the moment. His plans were great, until you realize that when you come back from la-la land, you still have to pay for all these great programs. Finally, there's his Senate record. For a man so concerned about the wellfare of the nation, the list of bills that he has introduced in the Senate is hardly reflective of that attitude.

Friday, November 05, 2004 2:51:00 AM  

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