Thursday, June 30, 2005
What flavor ice cream are you?
Yes I DO have too much time on my hands today...
You Are Strawberry Ice Cream |
![]() You often find yourself on the outside looking in. Insightful and pensive, you really understand how the world works. You are most compatible with chocolate chip ice cream. |
The World's Shortest Personality Test
![]() You are sexy, powerful, and bold. You're full of passion and energy... Sometimes this passion has a dark side. You feel most alive when you're seducing someone. You never fail to get someone's attention. Quick minded, you're also quick to lose your temper! |
SPF what?
My plan for this weekend is to get some sun. That's all I want. Well, sun and relaxation. Last weekend I went to the pool for about three hours. The purpose was not to swim, not to get exercise. All I wanted was some sun. I put on SPF 30 because I always get concerned that if I put on something low, like 6, I'll just fry. With my SPF 30, I got some vague tan lines, except in the areas that I apparently missed. Those areas got nice and burned. Not horribly, but enough. Now that the burn is gone, those areas are a nice tan color, tanner than most of the rest of me. So, this weekend, when we go out on the lake, I think I'm going to opt for something with a low SPF, like 6. I'm either gonna get burned to a crisp, or, just possibly, I'll come back from South Carolina with a decent tan. It is probable that the former option is what will occur, but I'll stay optimistic.
So, I'm starting my holiday weekend early. We are driving South this afternoon/evening and I'll be off until Tuesday. I want to accomplish the following during my long weekend:
1. Get a tan
2. Go out on the boat
3. Go out on the Seadoos
4. Consume one or two alcoholic beverages
5. Not think about work at all
6. Spend some quality time with my boyfriend (this one should be appended with spend some time with my boyfriend, and his parents and his sister and his aunts and his uncles and his cousins and his mom's friends...)
7. See some nice fireworks
8. Not get bitten by too many mosquitoes
Most of these are pretty easy to accomplish...we'll see what actually occurs this weekend.
I don't have any exciting news like Melissa...sorry.
So, I'm starting my holiday weekend early. We are driving South this afternoon/evening and I'll be off until Tuesday. I want to accomplish the following during my long weekend:
1. Get a tan
2. Go out on the boat
3. Go out on the Seadoos
4. Consume one or two alcoholic beverages
5. Not think about work at all
6. Spend some quality time with my boyfriend (this one should be appended with spend some time with my boyfriend, and his parents and his sister and his aunts and his uncles and his cousins and his mom's friends...)
7. See some nice fireworks
8. Not get bitten by too many mosquitoes
Most of these are pretty easy to accomplish...we'll see what actually occurs this weekend.
I don't have any exciting news like Melissa...sorry.
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
Hot weather and Yoda
My mom is downtown this afternoon so we thought we would have lunch together. That means that we both walk about 3 blocks (I think it's a little less from her building) and go to McDonald's. Well, when we got in McDonald's, the fire alarm started going off and an automated voice prompted everyone to leave the building. That message excluded mostly everyone in McDonald's apparently, and since we didn't see anyone on fire, we stayed in line to get some food. But then my mom was nervous about staying in the restaurant for lunch. So we took our food (my quarter pounder and fries and her bag of apples) and stood outside. To eat lunch. In the 90 degree heat. (But we were in the shade, so that made it all better.) It was hot. And I'm not in hot weather apparel because I have to go to Court so I was trying to look at least somewhat presentable. It was hot. Plus I got blisters on my feet from wearing a new pair of shoes. And...did I mention it was hot? So, so far it's been kind of a not so great day.
So, what could be better on this fine (read this as HOT) day but to make a list of the best Yoda quotes (or at least the ones that I know or the ones that I can find). Feel free to add some to the list.
1. Try not. Do or do not, there is no try.
2. Much to learn you still have.
3. When 900 years old you reach, look as good you will not.
4. Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.
5. Size matters not. Judge me by my size do you?
6. [Luke] I can't believe it. [Yoda] That is why you fail.
7. Wars not make one great.
8. Already know you that which you need.
9. Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny. Consume you it will.
10. Help you I can, yes.
11. May the force be with you.
OK, so I was aiming for 10. I'll give you that extra one for free.
So, what could be better on this fine (read this as HOT) day but to make a list of the best Yoda quotes (or at least the ones that I know or the ones that I can find). Feel free to add some to the list.
1. Try not. Do or do not, there is no try.
2. Much to learn you still have.
3. When 900 years old you reach, look as good you will not.
4. Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.
5. Size matters not. Judge me by my size do you?
6. [Luke] I can't believe it. [Yoda] That is why you fail.
7. Wars not make one great.
8. Already know you that which you need.
9. Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny. Consume you it will.
10. Help you I can, yes.
11. May the force be with you.
OK, so I was aiming for 10. I'll give you that extra one for free.
Friday, June 03, 2005
My Top 100
I've seen on other blogs where the writers have written the top 100 things about themselves. I'm intrigued by this idea and wonder if I would be able to come up with 100 things about myself that others may or may not know (or even care to know for that matter). So, I think I'll try to undertake this task. Maybe someone will learn something new about me. Or not.
1. I was named Suzanne, but not for any particular reason, other than the fact that my mom said she liked that name.
2. I was originally going to be Victoria (better).
3. Or Nicholas (not better).
4. Despite being corrected many many times, there are people who insist on calling me Susan.
5. I have lived in the city that I currently live in for my entire life.
6. I have a master's degree in social work.
7. I have thought about going back to school to get a law degree or a Ph.D. in social work or clinical psychology.
8. I was going to be a doctor until I took biology in college.
9. I enjoy going to school.
10. I'm divorced.
11. I saw Titanic in the movie theater more times than I care to mention.
12. My favorite pastimes are reading and sleeping.
13. I love Double Stuf Oreos.
14. I love Yoda.
15. I belong to a book club.
16. And am, by far, the youngest member.
17. I've drunk so much alcohol that I got very sick.
18. I can no longer stand the smell of Aftershock.
19. I'm scared of spiders and bees.
20. I'm not perfect.
21. I'm very liberal.
22. I'm an underwear junkie.
23. I'm not tall.
24. I am bad at keeping in touch with friends.
25. I'm a big fan of country music.
26. I have one sister.
27. I want a dog.
28. I want to get married again and have children.
29. I think that there is too little love and compassion in this world.
30. I would like to live in another state, preferably in the south or the west.
31. I'm also scared of big, scary dogs with large, sharp teeth.
32. Of recent, I have become a big fan of the Star Wars movies.
33. I crochet.
34. I've been crocheting a blanket for five months.
35. And I'm only half done.
36. I had a Nintendo when I was younger.
37. I also had an Atari.
38. I don't really like playing video games now.
39. I've been to Europe twice and Canada once.
40. I got braces when I was in 8th grade.
41. I got one of my male friends to put on one of my bathing suits (and he was not intoxicated).
42. I'm insecure.
43. I don't like guns, but I have shot one before.
44. I don't like cleaning.
45. Or doing laundry.
46. I love musicals.
47. I love to sing along with the radio or musical movies.
48. I love Disney movies.
49. I'm not very good at sports.
50. I like to watch football, both on tv and in person.
51. I have eyes that are not quite brown, green, or hazel.
52. I have crazy curly hair that often has a mind of it's own.
53. I don't like people who take themselves too seriously.
54. I have funny feet with long skinny toes.
55. I love monkeys.
56. Most of the clothes in my closet are pink, purple, or blue.
57. I think that a sense of humor is very important.
58. I sometimes have a hard time forgiving people, and often hold grudges.
59. I can't always admit when I'm wrong.
60. I like art, especially impressionism and realism.
61. I insist on having my toenails painted, but seldom paint my fingernails.
62. My favorite movie is An Affair to Remember.
63. The Notebook runs a close second.
64. My least favorite movie is Training Day.
65. I would like a convertible BMW before I'm 40.
66. I'm sure I'll change my mind about what kind of car I want.
67. I'm not very photogenic.
68. I like attending formal events.
69. I have a habit of announcing to whomever I'm with that I need to use the bathroom.
70. I have a great deal of respect for members of the military and law enforcement.
71. I have instant messenger running constantly during the day, whether I'm at work or at home.
72. I am very anal about correct grammar and spelling.
73. I have my belly button pierced.
74. I'm thinking about getting a tattoo.
75. I walk around my house naked.
76. I enjoy reading about and watching programs on health and history.
77. I currently have almost 1,300 songs on my Dell DJ.
78. I like the smell of gasoline.
79. And spray paint.
80. I have never tried marijuana or any other illegal substances.
81. I cry during 95% of all movies that I watch.
82. I like reading mystery novels.
83. I refuse to read Patricia Cornwell's Kay Scarpetta books out of order.
84. I like to use colorful office supplies, such as pens, paperclips, and post-it notes.
85. I don't like the consistency of bananas.
86. Apples make my mouth itch.
87. The first movie that I recall seeing in the movie theater is E.T.
88. The first things I notice about a guy are his smile and his butt.
89. I don't like ice cream.
90. I read the religiously.
91. I don't like coffee.
92. I don't like people who don't think for themselves.
93. I have trouble leaving my work at work.
94. One of my most frequent activities is being stressed out.
95. I love Christmas and everything that goes with it (songs, decorating, etc.).
96. I don't go to church as often as I should.
97. I have a painting on my wall that a schizophrenic client painted.
98. My biggest celebrity crushes are Kenny Chesney and Johnny Depp.
99. I like thunderstorms.
100. I hate having to change my password on my work computer and email account.
1. I was named Suzanne, but not for any particular reason, other than the fact that my mom said she liked that name.
2. I was originally going to be Victoria (better).
3. Or Nicholas (not better).
4. Despite being corrected many many times, there are people who insist on calling me Susan.
5. I have lived in the city that I currently live in for my entire life.
6. I have a master's degree in social work.
7. I have thought about going back to school to get a law degree or a Ph.D. in social work or clinical psychology.
8. I was going to be a doctor until I took biology in college.
9. I enjoy going to school.
10. I'm divorced.
11. I saw Titanic in the movie theater more times than I care to mention.
12. My favorite pastimes are reading and sleeping.
13. I love Double Stuf Oreos.
14. I love Yoda.
15. I belong to a book club.
16. And am, by far, the youngest member.
17. I've drunk so much alcohol that I got very sick.
18. I can no longer stand the smell of Aftershock.
19. I'm scared of spiders and bees.
20. I'm not perfect.
21. I'm very liberal.
22. I'm an underwear junkie.
23. I'm not tall.
24. I am bad at keeping in touch with friends.
25. I'm a big fan of country music.
26. I have one sister.
27. I want a dog.
28. I want to get married again and have children.
29. I think that there is too little love and compassion in this world.
30. I would like to live in another state, preferably in the south or the west.
31. I'm also scared of big, scary dogs with large, sharp teeth.
32. Of recent, I have become a big fan of the Star Wars movies.
33. I crochet.
34. I've been crocheting a blanket for five months.
35. And I'm only half done.
36. I had a Nintendo when I was younger.
37. I also had an Atari.
38. I don't really like playing video games now.
39. I've been to Europe twice and Canada once.
40. I got braces when I was in 8th grade.
41. I got one of my male friends to put on one of my bathing suits (and he was not intoxicated).
42. I'm insecure.
43. I don't like guns, but I have shot one before.
44. I don't like cleaning.
45. Or doing laundry.
46. I love musicals.
47. I love to sing along with the radio or musical movies.
48. I love Disney movies.
49. I'm not very good at sports.
50. I like to watch football, both on tv and in person.
51. I have eyes that are not quite brown, green, or hazel.
52. I have crazy curly hair that often has a mind of it's own.
53. I don't like people who take themselves too seriously.
54. I have funny feet with long skinny toes.
55. I love monkeys.
56. Most of the clothes in my closet are pink, purple, or blue.
57. I think that a sense of humor is very important.
58. I sometimes have a hard time forgiving people, and often hold grudges.
59. I can't always admit when I'm wrong.
60. I like art, especially impressionism and realism.
61. I insist on having my toenails painted, but seldom paint my fingernails.
62. My favorite movie is An Affair to Remember.
63. The Notebook runs a close second.
64. My least favorite movie is Training Day.
65. I would like a convertible BMW before I'm 40.
66. I'm sure I'll change my mind about what kind of car I want.
67. I'm not very photogenic.
68. I like attending formal events.
69. I have a habit of announcing to whomever I'm with that I need to use the bathroom.
70. I have a great deal of respect for members of the military and law enforcement.
71. I have instant messenger running constantly during the day, whether I'm at work or at home.
72. I am very anal about correct grammar and spelling.
73. I have my belly button pierced.
74. I'm thinking about getting a tattoo.
75. I walk around my house naked.
76. I enjoy reading about and watching programs on health and history.
77. I currently have almost 1,300 songs on my Dell DJ.
78. I like the smell of gasoline.
79. And spray paint.
80. I have never tried marijuana or any other illegal substances.
81. I cry during 95% of all movies that I watch.
82. I like reading mystery novels.
83. I refuse to read Patricia Cornwell's Kay Scarpetta books out of order.
84. I like to use colorful office supplies, such as pens, paperclips, and post-it notes.
85. I don't like the consistency of bananas.
86. Apples make my mouth itch.
87. The first movie that I recall seeing in the movie theater is E.T.
88. The first things I notice about a guy are his smile and his butt.
89. I don't like ice cream.
90. I read the religiously.
91. I don't like coffee.
92. I don't like people who don't think for themselves.
93. I have trouble leaving my work at work.
94. One of my most frequent activities is being stressed out.
95. I love Christmas and everything that goes with it (songs, decorating, etc.).
96. I don't go to church as often as I should.
97. I have a painting on my wall that a schizophrenic client painted.
98. My biggest celebrity crushes are Kenny Chesney and Johnny Depp.
99. I like thunderstorms.
100. I hate having to change my password on my work computer and email account.